Wednesday, November 27, 2019

ESSAY WRITING STEP BY STEP Essays - Writing, Education,

ESSAY WRITING STEP BY STEP "Write an essay? But I don't know how!" If you are unnerved by the thought of writing a college essay, remember that this task can be accomplished in the same way as any other-one step at a time. An effective essay is the result of careful thinking, planning, writing, and revising. If you work hard on the first two steps, the last two will be much easier. Your goal is to produce an essay whose content is focused, well-developed, and clear. THINKING (Many decisions must be made before you actually write anything down.) 1. Consider purpose: The general purpose of your essay will usually be determined by your instructor. To be sure you know the specific purpose of your particular essay, complete this sentence: "The purpose of my essay is to ...." Example: General Purpose: Describe in detail an important characteristic of a person you know well. Specific purpose: The purpose of my essay is to describe my mother's kindness toward her family, friends, and co-workers. 2. Consider audience: The identity of your audience will determine how much background information will be necessary and what terms need to be used or defined. For example, an essay written for nurses on care of the elderly will include less background and more technical information than an essay written for the general public on the same topic. Unless directed otherwise, you should write for an uninformed audience. Even if your instructor is your audience, you still need to write as if he or she has little familiarity with your topic because your instructor wants to know the depth of your understanding. 3. Consider tone: The tone of your writing reveals your attitude toward your subject. Definition essays are usually written in an objective tone, but a humorous tone may be appropriate for a personal narrative. 4. Select and narrow a topic: Your topic should have significance for the reader and should be specific enough for you to adequately discuss in the required number of words or pages. If research is necessary, you may find it easier to first gather material on your general topic and then narrow your topic. (These two steps may need to be repeated more than once as you work on your paper.) For example, if you need to write a five-page essay on the effects of air pollution, you would severely limit the scope of your paper. The following example shows how to narrow your topic until the focus is specific enough for a five-page paper: The effects of air pollution (most general) The effects of air pollution on children's health The effects of air pollution on respiratory diseases in urban children The effects of air pollution on the prevalence and severity of childhood asthma in urban areas (most specific) 5. Choose a writing strategy: To communicate ideas to readers, writers employ many types of strategies, such as description, narration, comparison/contrast, definition, classification, argument/persuasion, analysis, and evaluation. The strategy (or "method" or "mode") you choose for a particular assignment will be partly determined by the purpose of your assignment and the expectations of the instructor. Using primarily one strategy may be appropriate for one assignment, while using several strategies may strengthen the effectiveness of another essay. Copyright Tacoma Community College Writing Center. All rights reserved. PLANNING (Write down a plan to guide you when you write your first draft.) 1. Create a tentative thesis: Write out the main point you want to make about your topic in a complete sentence. This sentence is called a thesis; it should be a mini-summary of your whole essay. Everything else that you write will be related to this idea. If you are able to at this point, write out your possible sub-points in sentences, also. Sub- points are the ideas you present to support ("prove") your thesis. In an argument essay the sub-points would be the reasons for your claim. The sub-points of a compare/contrast essay would be the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. You might not use these sentences word-for-word in your essay, but by writing out your ideas in this way you ensure that your thinking about your topic is crystal clear, which will assist you in remaining focused on your topic. Note: If your thesis must be supported by research, you need to read widely and take notes by whatever method you prefer before writing your tentative thesis. Be sure to include all necessary citation information in your notes. 2. Write down supporting content in a loosely-organized way: In order to logically relate your own ideas or contents

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Iodine essays

Iodine essays Iodine is an essential macromineral. Almost half the iodine is found in the thyroid gland which is located in the throat. Iodine is an important component of thyroid hormones, which control energy, metabolism in the body as well as the bodys temperature, reproduction, and growth. It is not found in the body so it is very important that you get about .15 mg. daily. Some foods such as vegetables, grains, table salt, dairy products, and especially seafood are the best sources of iodine. Breathing in sea air everyday will give you a sufficient amount of iodine to prevent a disease called goiter. There are two types of goiter: toxic and simple. Toxic goiter is caused by excess of thyroxin secretion. Symptoms may include rapid heart beat, tremor, increased sweating, increased appetite, weight loss, weakness, and fatigue. Other symptoms may include eye problems such as staring or protrusion. Goiter affects over 200 million people throughout the world. 96% is caused by iodine deficiency. Goiters are rare in the U.S. and other industrialized countries because iodine is now added to table salt. Iodine affects body functions too. Hair and nail growth are affected by iodine. The brain, skin, speech, teeth, energy production, metabolism, and physical thyroid gland. Deficiency symptoms include dry hair, goiter, intellectual disability, paused growth, irritability, nervousness, and obesity. If a pregnant woman takes iodine during pregnancy, the development of goiter will be decreased for both the mother and the child. Iodine is the most efficient treatment for children who have goiter. Iodine does have a down side to it, too. It is not toxic up to 2,000 mcg daily, but it may cause acne. Too much iodine is can link to thyroid cancer. Some people are sensitive to iodine and may break out in a rash if their iodi... 1015 Natural Sources of Iodine-Where does iodine come from? If you said seaweed and burnt sponges you're not totally wrong. Natural sources of iodine include seafoods, vegetables, and in much lesser degrees, cereal. Iodine is present in T3 and T4 (thyroxine) hormones that are the active pr ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The impact of climate changes in the near future Essay

The impact of climate changes in the near future - Essay Example These policies include implementing and regulating the existing laws and coming up with new laws that preserve the environment for the future and will not cause further climate change (Moller, Fielder, Berthold, pp. 3, 2010). The temperature of the entire world has changed, and this has been attributed to greenhouse gas emissions, particularly the fossil fuel burning, which has led to an increase in global warming (Kernan, pp. vii, 2010). This global warming leads to a dramatic temperature change, which is forecast to change more so in the future. Numerous studies and researches have concluded that some areas will witness an increase in temperature, while others may experience a drop in temperature. The changes in precipitation rate will great impacts, which will harm the temperature in many regions even more so. Climate change brings dangerous consequences with it. There are numerous impacts on agriculture, forestry, fishers, and other environmental factor (Moller, Fielder, & Bertho ld, pp.3, 2010). An even more pressing concern is the impact on the ecological systems because of further climate changes. The paper attempts to explain the various impacts of climate change. However, first it describes the causes of this climate change briefly. A sharp focus is also important; therefore, analysis of a particular region will further enhance the extreme problem of climate change. Centuries had passed since the formation of the world when the globe did not witness any climate change. However, this was to change when humans discovered fossil fuels. The population on the world multiplied drastically. Industrial Revolution spurred off economic development, but with the opportunity cost of environmental damage. The environmental damage has resulted in the extreme climate change. The greenhouse effect is perhaps the largest factor in this climate change. In the words of Timoth Wirth, former US senator and Undersecretary of State for the Global Affairs, â€Å"The greenhous e effect is the most significant economic, political, environmental, and human problem facing the 21st century† (Hardy, 222, 2003). Other reasons also form part of this global climate change. However, the paper is more concerned with describing the details of the impact of climate change on nearly facet of life in the planet, Earth (Hardy, pp. ix, 2003). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has shed light on the reality of global warming. The Fourth Report summarized a finding, which stated that the mean temperature has shown an increase of 1 degree centigrade, in the northern part of the world. There have been large changes in the distribution of rainfall, resulting in more rain in winters and less in the summers. Melting of glaciers has induced the seal level to rise by almost 20 cm, which can have devastating impacts. Natural disasters such as droughts, floods, and cyclones have gotten increasingly common, because of rapid climate change. The above-mentioned impact s are mainly the most common ones; however, these are not the only ones (Kernan, pp. 1, 2010). In the recent decades, all sorts of doubts regarding the effect of greenhouse emissions on global climate have fallen off. Although the climate of the world has changed in six periods since the evolution of Earth, the climate change the world undergoes currently is widely â€Å"unnatural†, and backed largely because of human activities. Glacier melting in the Northern Alps,